I am so excited to hop into the Easter season! I have 2 new furry monsters in the house and they are making egg scratching more difficult. I used to have at any time over 200 eggs on my dining room table. I never worried about my bichon, Albie or large orange and white cat, Weasley disturbing the eggs. They are Angels. My husband and I added two more cats, Lupin and Sirius. Well, these guys love to play with ANYTHING. This includes eggs.
These guys will destroy any eggs left out. Now my eggs must stay in the large cartons I store them in at all times. Any eggs out must stay under a dome really for cakes or in the egg carton. Even when working on an egg, they will come for a visit to see what I am doing.
It is certainly interesting! I will try to keep you all posted as to my progress. Dying eggs with them will certainly be a treat! Wish me luck...
There are all 3 cats getting along very well indeed...
The demons stalking their prey...
My newest setup...
My attempt to protect my works of art in the making...